Traffic accident treatment
In Yokkaichi’s Hashizume Orthopedic clinic you can treat injuries due to traffic accidents.You can also go through both orthopedic surgery and other transplant clinics or both.Traffic accident treatment can receive about 4,200 yen as a consolation fee for each visit to the hospital.Those who have encountered a traffic accident such as a rear end, please contact us as soon as possible.
Hashizume Orthopedic clinic
It is 5 minutes on foot from Kintetsu Yokaichi station.Hashizume osteopathic clinic is on a reservation system.I am doing it on Saturday and Sunday!Please check availability on the reservation of the day by telephone.
closed day:Tuesday・public holiday
根本治療で腰痛を改善させる「腰痛施術の匠」橋爪接骨院 の院長です。柔道整復師の国家資格を取得後、整形外科にて10年間修行し、腰痛やシビレが起きる原因が体のバランスの崩れと筋肉によるものだと確信。独自の施術法を確立し腰痛専門の治療院を四日市に開院しました。